I find February to be my most challenging time of year, where the end of Winter seems to linger and Spring is slow to emerge. I feel a heaviness in my body and a tiredness that runs deep. I’m hearing a lot of you are feeling this way too.
Some of you may know that I’ve been running on very little sleep over the past year and my little one still wakes several times a night. I’ve received a few queries on how I have dealt with the lack of sleep, and how am I managing to focus on my work projects with no childcare. So I plan to share a little about that with you today.
When I’m feeling tired and run down I want to grab a coffee and eat anything to hand that is quick and easy. But it’s times like this that it’s so important to make sure I’m eating well, so I’m getting the extra energy I need, and blood sugar levels remain stable to avoid any dips in energy and mood throughout the day.
Tiredness affects how I feel, but also how I think. Everything feels more difficult when I’m tired and doing anything at all requires so much effort. Do you feel this way too?
Let me help…. here are some of my go-to’s that you can try when you’re so tired you’re wondering how you’re going to get through the day!
Here are three things that keep me anchored in positivity and wellness no matter how tired I am.
1. Food that Heals
Drink two glasses of water upon waking every morning.
Then squeeze half a lemon into a warm glass of water and add root ginger for a boost of vitamin C, support your immune system and kick start your metabolism.
Never skip breakfast!
Whether you tuck into a bowl of porridge, blend up a smoothie or make a hearty bowl of quinoa, kale and poached egg. Filling your belly with nutrients will get you on your way to feeling more energised.
For lunch I rely on soup, it’s warming, nutritious, quick and great for making in batches to store in the fridge or freezer. I like this vegetable and bean soup. Some days I simply fry some garlic, cook some frozen peas and blend (don’t judge me) and spread some avocado on a rice cake. Perfect for when I’m frazzled and have an impatient little human sat at the kitchen table!
For dinner, I’ve relied on the slow-cooker so I can cook when my little guy is chilled out in the morning and not at dinner time when he is more likely to be tired. I’ve started adapting recipes to make curries and risotto’s with a short grain brown rice in the slow cooker too. Anything I make at dinner time hast to be very quick and easy. I also love this bean stew recipe which takes just 10 minutes.
2. Fresh air / Movement / Meditation
Let mother nature soothe you. Go out for a walk, breathe deep and enjoy observing your surroundings. For the past year
Getting on my yoga mat even for 5 minutes helps to release stored tension, Some days I like to do a restorative practice before bed, other days I practice while the little one is active around me (I share a little of that on Instagram).
Meditation is so healing when you’re running on empty. It boosts energy levels, helps release tension and negativity, so even if you focus on your breath for 3 minutes, you can release stored tension, ease weariness and restore your tired body and mind. By consciously slowing down your breath and drawing it down into your abdomen you will send a message to your nervous system to relax. You may even feel your physical body letting go as you relax the muscles in your face, feel your shoulders drop away from your ears, let your abdomen expand fully so you’re no longer able to clench the muscles.
Meditation allows your mind and body to rest and restore itself, essential when sleep is compromised.
3. Nutritional supplements
I believe that when our body is out of balance supporting ourselves by using nutritional health supplements is vital to receive the extra nutrients needed to regain optimal health. The widespread use of pesticides affects the quality of the soil our food grows in as well as the nutritional content of our food. I feel it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve optimal health through food alone.
Six months ago I replaced my supplements and superfoods with THIS nutritional supplement. It has been the most significant thing I have done to improve my energy levels and overall vitality. Nitro fx in particular, has been an incredible part of my daily health routine for boosting my energy levels and creating balanced energy throughout the day. You can read more about my experience here.

Simple nutritious food, staying hydrated, fresh air, yoga and meditation are my essentials for keeping me healthy and positive. They help me to feel the spark of passion for my work. They give me the energy, and mental clarity to dedicate an hour or two each evening to my work projects once my boy sleeps, and half a day on the weekend too.
What do you do when you’re feeling tired or run down? How do you make time for the things that are important to you?
I’m always on the lookout for recommendations, recipes, books and suggestions. I’d love to hear your tips, so let me know what works for you in the comments below.